I’ve written about this before here on this platform, but it’s worthy of revisiting every so often.
So, without simply repeating what I stated in previous columns, I’ll be brief here.
This hobby is about community… first… foremost… and always.
It’s not about comps.
It’s not about color, or numbered cards or autos.
It’s not about grades or condition.
And it’s not about flippers or collectors, or any other hot-topic debate going around the hobby, either.
It’s about community. End of story.
It’s a group of people who share a common love and a similar passion for pieces of cardboard with pictures on it.
I’ve noticed lately many people are getting lost in everything else the hobby has to offer, and the community aspect seems to be pushed to the back of the line.
It does not belong there.
Make a point to move it to the head of the list.
Find a Facebook good, hobby-centered group you can join.
Hang out in a relaxed and fun stream and interact with the chat, give people a chance to get to know you and vice-versa.
Go local card shows and talk to dealers.
Be a part of the hobby and a part of the community — it makes this entire experience so much better!
With Youtube and TikTok and other platforms being so much a part of the landscape of the hobby nowadays, it’s easy to get separated from actual human interaction, which is the heart of the hobby, while getting engrossed with video after video and content after content piece.
Some of the best people I know I met over the years though this hobby!
And the community aspect is the reason why these folks are in my life.
So, the assignment is simple — get more involved than you are now.
Become a member of the community of card collectors, of the hobby!
If you already do this, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you don’t then I’m here to tell you — you’ll be som happy you did.