New Year’s Resolutions

It’s time for New Year’s resolutions to make their appearance before being forggoten. Losing weight, exercising, spending more time with kids, having less screen time, reading more, and numerous other resolutions that are doomed to fail will be made and broken in the next two weeks. I’m not doing those. I like making hobby resolutions as those are the ones I actually follow. With that in mind, let’s check out a few possibilites.

Buy Less Wax

My guess is that this is the most common one amongst collectors. Buy singles is up there with get more exercise and eat healthy as advice mots folks ignore despite the known benefits. It’s one I’ve done before and one I’d consider, but I hardly bought wax in 2024 so this one isn’t great for me.

Buy More Wax

Maybe wax buying brings you the most joy in the hobby. If so, drive the “buy singles” brigade batty and make 2025 the year you stop buying singles and rip packs in massive quantities like your ten-year-old self always wanted to. My guess is that this is one of the more fun resolutions here even if it isn’t the most financially sound.

Get Organized

I have enjoyed my collection so much more after getting it organized during the pandemic. This might be the hardest resolution depending on the level of organization you currently employ. It took a pandemic for me to get my collection in shape. For many/most collectors, organization will take a full year. If all of your cards are shoved willy-nilly in random boxes, give this one serious consideration.

Finish a Collection/Set

Finish what you started, you slackers! If you’ve got a set or collection you’ve been meaning to complete, make 2025 your year to get it done. I’ve got a couple sets I’ve been dragging my feet on but none that warrant making this my resolution.

Start a Collection/Set

The only thing as exciting as finishing a set or collection is starting one. I love choosing what to collect and can spend hours just deliberating about what to collect. If you just collect “everything” let me suggest this is the resolution for you. Spend some time figuring out what you want from your collection, choose what to go after, and get after it in 2025!

Trade More

Trading is a great part of the hobby that needs to be more prominent. Lots of folks complain about the lack of trading, but the only way that changes is if folks actively are seeking trades.

Focus on a Set or Player

Go all in on one set, team, or player in 2025. For me, I’d focus on Freddie Freeman, 206 cards, or Braves cards. This one is one I think I’ll do eventually, but not in 2025.

Go Vintage

Contrary to popular opinion, vintage cards can indeed go down in price. They are fun to collect. If the modern collecting landscape has you down, spending a year chasing vintage cards might be the cure.


This is the one I’ve chosen for this year. I’m a teacher and so am always on a financial budget. This year, I’m budgeting the amount of cards I add to my collection this year with a limit of three cards per week. I’m keeping the financial budget the same though and hopefully will wind up with 52-156 cards at the end of the year that I really want.

Wrap Up

Those are my suggestions. Let me know in the comments if you’ve got a hobby-related resolution this year.


Fishing for Bargains? Land a Trout.


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