Chasing the Dream

I don’t consider myself old, yet I am keenly aware, based mainly on the sore ankle, bum hip and tricky back I deal with almost daily, that I am not as young as I once was either.

But, there is a blessing in all of the experience gained from life.

When you get to be mid-life, which is what I fall into nicely, you can take a step back and look over your life. You have a better understanding of what you want out of the remaining time you have, and you have a little less nerves and a touch more courage.

I’ve taken some time recently and done a lot of reflecting.

And what came of all this introspection — trading cards.

Seriously, I looked back and noticed that a lot of my enjoyment, particularly in my career, has come when I was a sports card dealer — buying, selling, trading — with a community I have been a part of since I was 14 years old.

Sure, a lot has changed since those early days, but in essence, the heart of the hobby community has remained pretty much the same.

So, I’m going to chase a dream I have had since I was that high school freshman, setting up a single showcase table at a small card show at the VFW — I'm going to give it all I have to make a good living in the card game.

This means learning the ins-and-out of breaking and selling through apps such as Card Shop Live.

It means living, breathing and eating the hobby, 24/7, much the way I did when I was putting myself through college at card shows buying, selling and trading.

It means learning from those who are where I want to be — you’re never too old to learn or be mentored.

It will not be easy, I’m well aware of that. It wasn’t easy back in the day, either.

It was the beginning of the market collapse, when the hobby as a whole bottomed out in a way that really defies explanation, but I made it work for several years before just settling into a new career and a life as a true collector instead of dealer.

There will be many nay-sayers, there always are.

Being negative is easy and lazy, and something far too many in this hobby buy into, especially since social media is such a factor now.

Listen to me, I don’t know your situation, but I do know that life is just too short and too precious not to chase your passion, your dream.

If your dream, like mine, is to provide for my family through cards, then sit down, make a plan, and do it!

You’re not too young, too old, too broke or too busy — those are just excuses.

I’m not advocating leaving your day job right away, but set a goal to do that, and do everything possible to reach that goal.

Learn, grow, and immerse yourself in the business, in the hobby, in the community.

Don’t hesitate.

Don’t be afraid.

Take a chance on yourself — you are worth it.

I can do it.

I will do it.

And if it is something you want — you can do it, too.

I’m going to use this space every-so-often to post an update or two, as I travel this path.

I’d love and appreciate any advice or feedback any of you may have about this.

We learn from those who have climbed the mountain that lies before us now, and I'm a very eager student.


Topps Check-In

